Posts Tagged ‘Alfa Romeo 4C’

This week at Mangoletsi Alfa Romeo was quite an interesting one we had a contest winner in the shape of Viccie Dougall and a new member of staff join us, Killian Roche, as well as the delivery of some really gorgeous new Alfa Romeo cars.

Let’s start at the begining, our very own Viccie Dougall has won the chance to record her very own single and have it release into the charts as well as on iTunes as a digital download. Viccie earned this fantastic oppurntunity by winning the Cheshire based talent competition “It’s My Time”. Viccie started with us here at Mangoletsi Knutsford in 2009 and has been part of the family ever since. Viccie, as she’s known to friends, graduated from Liverpool Hope University with a B.A. Hons in Acting, in July. All of us here wish Vicce all of the best and she needs all the support she can get, so get out there and download her single “Caught in the Crossfire” now!

Viccie Dougall

This week at Mangoletsi we have been joined by a new member of staff, Killian Roche. Killian has come on board as our Digital Marketing specialist. Killian hails from the Emerald Isle and was born in Dublin. Killian has spent most of his time playing rugby up until now and is extremely proud to have joined our team here at Mangoletsi. So get on board and find out more about the goings on at Mangoletsi by following us on Twitter or joining us on our Facebook page and also by reading this blog, so you’re already one third of the way there.Killian

With regards to the new cars that have arrived with us this week we’ve had several new Mito’s and couple of Giulietta’s join the other thorough bred Italian stallions we have here at Mangoletsi Alfa Romeo. One car in particular stand’s out and that is the Alfa Romeo Giulietta Cloverleaf that’s just come in. It is one stunning car and has to be seen in the flesh to be truly appreciated.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta Cloverleaf